All PostsparentingWhy Do We Become Parents?

Why Do We Become Parents?

Why Did We Become Parents?

We must remember the original reason we chose to bring a child into our world. It is possible it served our biological, evolutionary or psychological needs.

These are just one parent’s opinions while raising an only child. Take what you like, discard the rest.

"Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children."

- Charles R. Swindoll

1. Love

All a child truly needs is our love. There are and will be add-on needs. If those other needs are not met, the child will be disappointed but will adjust. But if parental love is doubtful in their minds, their world falls apart.

2. Art of Parenting

Our children are unique, we are unique and our family unit is like none other. While keeping an open mind to advice from people in our social circles or media (including this article), we ought to do what we believe will work for our family. Some mistakes (visible only in hindsight) are inevitable but they make us wiser. As the children mature, we reduce the parenting.

3. Values

Young children learn speech by mimicking our sounds. Similarly, they copy our values far more than we realize. We need not categorically state our values to them; they intuitively are aware of them.

4. Be Here

Any workplace employee can be replaced regardless of how critical the job is. However, no parent can ever be replaced. So, let us be “here” mindfully with our children as much as possible.


Raj Arora

Raj Arora is an engineer by profession who was deeply involved in raising his child. Raj took paternity leave from work for one year to be with his newborn and later took another year off during his child's senior year of high school before the teen went away to college.

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