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Is Your Carrier Lying to You?

Can anyone remember a time when looking into the distance didn't include seeing a cellphone tower?

They're literally EVERYWHERE!

On the side of buildings. Installed on city lampposts. Sharing real estate on power transmission lines. Some poorly hidden as artificial trees. On the back of billboards. Even inside religious structures at churches and temples. And of course, who can avoid the popular three-sided steel structure, loaded with antennas and cables erected 50-feet into the air? There are currently more than 307,000 cellphone towers throughout the United States. All connecting the 3-million+ cellphones being used daily. They're EVERYWHERE!! And more are being deployed for 5G.

5G is the latest and fifth generation (hence 5G) cellular technology to be deployed for consumer use. The new cellular technology offers increased user data speeds, and lower delay to websites and digital content. Every US cellphone service provider has been offering "5G" since 2020, kind of. At least, their version of 5G. In fact, some are not actually 5G.

So what is really being sold to consumers?

5G: The tried and true benchmark. Everything that was promised of higher speeds, lower delays, and nationwide coverage.

5G Plus, 5G Ultrawide Band, 5G Ultra Capacity: 5G deployed on extremely high-powered frequencies. Some frequencies powerful enough to cause nerve-tingling sensations, slowly evaporate water, and require special sensors to remain a safe distance away from the antennas. Delivers one-way high speeds (downloads only, no upload benefits), lower delays, but tiny outdoor coverage and no indoor penetration, requiring even more antennas. Recently, some carriers are using this designation even for their normal 5G, with no added 5G benefits.

5GE, 5G-Evolution: The culprit of fake 5G. A marketing term created by a US carrier to rebrand their older 4G/LTE network. No speed or delay benefits. Just a marketing ploy. In fact, the National Advertising Review Board has required the US carrier to stop advertising the false 5G.

HERE! Wireless is keeping it simple & safe. HERE! Wireless uses the tried and true 5G technology, with the largest nationwide coverage, and covering the most highways in America, ensuring every HERE! Wireless user and family can answer the call, "HERE!" from anywhere. No prefix, no suffix, no symbols, no marketing-gimmick, just the SAFEST 5G!

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